Thursday, 1 May 2014

Dialogue: Advising your patients

One of your patients presents to your dental practice with serious oral problems and he confesses he likes one of the foods/drinks in the slideshow below.

Read the slideshow: Foods your dentists avoid, then pick one of the types of foods/drinks your patient exaggerates with, and WRITE A SHORT DIALOGUE of your communication with this patient (5-10 replies), advising him/her why he/she should avoid that item and what to do instead.

Manifest consideration, politeness for your patient's decisions but be enough convincing about what is good and bad for his/her teeth in the long-run.


  1. ‘Mr. Smith, as I have already understood, you drink almost 4 L of bottled water a day, which is, by far, too much for you and let me explain why. First of all, this water contains carbonic acid. Due to this substance the pH level of the oral cavity becomes lower, so that cavities are very likely to appear. On the other hand, as you are a high pressure blood sufferer, I will strongly recommend you to avoid water and any other liquids as much as it is possible.’

    ‘But, my cardiologist prescribed me an antihypertensive treatment. I shouldn’t have problems with my blood pressure any longer.’

    ‘Right, but this treatment helps you as long as you avoid water retention. In addition, as your teeth are so sensitive and the enamel so fragile, I would recommend you to pay attention at the aliments included in your diet. You have better avoid, as much as it is possible, sweets, acids aliments and fast-food, as well.’

    ‘I will take into consideration your recommendations , doctor. Thank you very much for your advice.’

    ‘You are welcome. I would like to see you again in six months for another consultation.’

    ‘Sure. I’ll be here without fail.’

  2. D: Hi there, little Jimmy. How are you today ?
    P: Good morning, doctor, I'm fine.
    D: What are you doing with soda can? You know is not good for you ?
    P: But doctor, I like soda. I drink it a lot.
    D: Well, that's good information for me. Let me tell you something, Jimmy. Soda is not good for you, especially for your teeth. This can be a major problem if you continue drink it as much as you do. And your entire body will have to suffer because, even you think your soda have water, your body can not use it entirely.
    P: But I like it !
    D: I know. I used to drink soda too.
    P: And you are fine, especially your teeth.
    D: Yes, just because I don't drink it anymore. You can try drink water. It's way better than soda for you.
    P: I will try, but I don't promise that.
    D: It is good if you try. Please come back in a month to see if you still drink soda. And please tell your parents to call me to have a discussion with them too.
    P: OK. Bye bye!
    D: Bye, Jimmy!

    1. I liked your advising through reference to your personal example.
      Just a few corrections: what are you doing with THE soda can, You know IT is not good for you, even IF you think your soda HAS water.

    2. Where is the "edit" button :) ? I think I was in a hurry.

    3. Stefan, there is no "edit" button, don't worry, we learn from our errors.
      We are trying to improve our writing as well as our awareness of the importance of correct spelling, grammar. I am glad you realized them. I am sure next time you will double-check before you hit the "reply" button, so keep commenting on other posts and especially replying to your colleagues' comments whenever possible.

  3. A: Good Morning, I’m Dr.Ella. I will be the dentist taking care of you today. What seems to be the problem?
    B: Ciao, Dr. Ella, my name is Luigi Lazzaro. I’m having trouble with my teeth color.
    A: Well, I'll have to check you out to be able to make a diagnosis. Let me take a look to you teeth. Oh. This doesn't look normally. It is probably a coloration resulting from food or drinks. Do you consume coffee, black tea or Cola?
    B: Oh, no! I am against this kind of drinks!
    A: Hmm, let me think about another possibility. Oh, where are you from?
    B: I’m from Italy. Why?
    A: And do you consume frequently pasta with sauce?
    B: For sure, this is my favorite kind of food.
    A: Oh, Mr. Luigi, mine too, then I think we found the problem. I will tell you something interesting about pasta sauce. Tooth enamel is vulnerable to dark color, including red pasta sauce and your porous enamel can easily absorb this coloring, nay tomatoes makes teeth more porous, because they have acidity.
    B: But belissima dottore, I can’t give up this sauce, it makes pasta delicious.
    A: I understand you perfectly, signore! Don’t worry, instead of laying off the sauce, you can solve the problem by swishing with plenty of water while you are enjoying your Italian pasta.
    B: That’s great! But can you make my teeth white again?
    A: For sure! I shall recommend you an abrasive toothpaste and your problem will be solved without any complications.
    B: Grazie dottore! Thank you a lot! Arrivederci!
    A: Good bye, signore!

    1. As far as I know the italians they gladly give their teeth for a good pasta.

    2. Haha, I don't know for sure, but I agree with you Debora. I love Italian food too, in my opinion it is one of the best kind of food I have ever eaten!

  4. A Hello , I will be your dentist today . Does something bothers you ?
    B Hello Mr Dentist, My name is Miss Jane and I came to you because one my teeth hurts and I'm in a lot of pain.
    A Since when ?
    B It hurts since friday... I think I bit from an apple and that is why.
    A Miss Jane I must advise you to consume less crunchy food at your age . Let me ask how old are you?
    B I am sixty. Then how am I supposed to eat fruits and veggies form my garden ?
    A You can still eat them but try to cut them into pieces before you consume them. Your teeth aren't as strong as they were in your childhood. They need special care now. Try to keep them healthy for as long as you can because they are very valuable.
    B OK Mr Dentist , I will try to do as you said.
    A I am glad that you take my advise in consideration. I will also give you this gel for your tooth that will calm down your pain. Please come to a consult again in 6 months. Good bye.
    B Good bye , thank you very much.

  5. P: Hello dr. Jianu, I haven't seen you for ages!
    D: Hey there Angie, you are looking great. It seems that time is merciful with you.
    P: I'm trying my best doctor but it's really hard, you see I've got a new job and my schedule it's hectic .
    D: So how do you manage to take care of you're health?
    P: Well salads and grilled chicken are my best friends .
    D: I would never be able to fallow such a strict diet plan. I must admit I have a sweet tooth but fruits are helping me a lot.
    P: Oh yes, I know, I always have a can of mandarin oranges with my. They are my favorite and sweet enough .
    D: Can I recommend a fresh fruit instead of canned ones? Let me tell you why. Food manufacturers often stuff canned fruit with a ton of extra sugar. Citrus fruits packed in heavy syrup are the worst culprits, because they combine acids with a ton of cavity-causing sugar.
    P: Oh my , I never knew. Thank you so much for sharing this with me doctor. I want to be really careful with my health but from now on I will search more details about the sweets that I think are healthy but really aren't.
    D: I hope that this will make you're diet even more healthier and I would like to see you at my dental clinic to make sure that you're teeth are as healthy as they could be.
    P: Sure thing. I will make an appointment as soon as I can.
    D: Ok. Hope I'll see you soon then. Good bye Angie.
    P: Have a wonderful day doctor Jianu!

  6. D: Hello Robert! Can I help you?
    R:Hello...uhm....yeah....I feel that my teeth are getting sensitive as the days pass by and I don't know why
    D: No problem, we'll find out soon. Just sit down and let me have a look at your teeth...
    R: Ok
    D: I can see, you love working out, isn't it?
    R: Yes... And still, I am not pleased with the way I look. I need to train harder
    D: Do you take any sports drinks?
    R: Yes, I do. I drink at least two bottles each day. They taste very good and I love the bubbles in it.
    D: The reason why your teeth have become sensitive is that you exaggerated with energy drinks. You have to understand that the components of this "magic" drink are boosting your energy, but in the same time they are damaging your teeth, especially the acid in them and all those sugars.
    R: But doctor, I can't just give up drinking it
    D: Well, nobody said you have to give up exercising and being healthy...
    R: I don't want to give it all up...I've worked very hard. What should I do?
    D: You said you are drinking at least 2 bottles of energy drink each day...perhaps you can replace one with water...You know you have to compromise in order to be fit and have healthy teeth. You have many cavities and I am sure they are caused by sports drinks.A young good looking man like you shouldn't have teeth problems. I don't want to scare you but probably in a few years you will end up with rotten teeth.
    R: Oh! I promise I will change my habit. Thank you for advising me! I was unconscious all this time and very ignorant.I will be more careful with everything
    D: Please don' forget to pay me a visit every six months. You have my phone number, so don't be hesitant to call and ask for my advice.I am glad I could help you.

  7. Dr.B: Hello,my name is Dr. B.Nice to meet you .What is bothering you?
    Patient:Oh,Hy! My name is Lia,nice to meet you too. Well,for the beginning I must say I am obsessed with my dental health and lately I have noticed that I have some stains on my frontal teeth and I do not know what I am doing wrong.
    Dr B: Ok,let me take a look.Hmm.....let me see...Do you drink coffee?
    Patient: I did when I was in college but now I have replaced it with green tea and black tea.
    Dr B: I see....And how often do you drink black tea?
    Patient:Daily ...about 1 l.It brings me energy.
    Dr B:Oh....I am sorry to tell you that is the problem.The tannins in tea can cause stains.We can get rid of the stains you have now,but in order to prevent this kind of situations you must drink more green tea or some herbal varieties instead of the black tea. problem...I will keep drinking my green tea and avoid the black one.Thank you so much!
    Dr B:Anytime!It is a pleasure!Goodbye!

  8. Debora:Good morning Dad,how are you today?Do you have any problem with yor teeth?Let me see.
    Dad:Good morning Debora.As you know,tomorrow is our anniversary and want to take your Mom out for dinner.But I noticed some uggly stains on my teeth.Can you make something?
    Debora:Dear dad.I told you not to drink so much and so strong coffee.You should think to your liver.too.I recommend you some green te a instead of coffee.I can do some esthetic procedure for the moment,but promise me that you renounce to the coffee.
    Dad.I promise.Thank you my darling,ER miss doctor!

  9. Dr.B: Hello,Miss Lia!Nice to see you again!What seems to be the problem now?
    Lia: Oh Hello,Dr. B!You must think I am obsessed with my teeth,but I think I have some stains on my frontal teeth!
    Dr.B:Let me take a look...Oh, have some stains on your incisors.Do you drink coffee?
    Lia:I college,but I have replaced it with black tea!
    Dr. B:And how often do you drink black tea?
    Lia:Daily,about 1 l .It brings me energy.
    Dr.B:Unfortunately,this seems to be the problem,but do not worry,we can fix this,but to prevent some future stains you will have to replace the black tea with green tea or some herbal varieties.
    Lia:That is not a problem.I love green tea,too.Thank you,Doctor!
    Dr.B:Thank you for choosing my services everytime.Goodbye!

  10. D: Hello Christina! How are you today?
    P: Hello Dr.! I feel better than last time, but something seems to bother me...
    D: Can you tell me what happened? I am sure we can find a solution together.
    P: Well,I noticed I am having an unpleasant breath, also my gums started bleeding.
    D: Let's take a look at your teeth and gums!
    D: Yes, you are right, I can also see a cracked tooth so I have to ask if you consume snacks, chips or hard candies?
    P: I don't like candies but when I go to the cinema with my friends we eat a lot of popcorn.
    D: I think this could be the reason of your complaints, let me explain what exactly happens. When you consume popcorn it can wedge between your teeth and foster bacterial growth, that is why unpleasant breath occures. Also, the un-popped kernels from the bottom of the bag can break your teeth by biting on them and it can cause gum bleeding. I would reccomand to avoid or replace popcorn with other snacks witch can be easily removed from the surface of your teeth.
    P: I didn't realize it can be so harmful, I'll try eating nachos next time.
    D: You could try it, just do not forget to wash your teeth as soon as you arrive home! You could floss as well in order to prevent gum bleeding.
    P: Thank you Dr. for the advice! I'll try to stick to it!
    D: Your welcome, Christina!
    P: See you next month!
    D: Of course, have a great day!

  11. D: Hello Christina! How are you today?
    P: Hello Dr.! I feel better than last time, but something seems to bother me...
    D: Can you tell me what happened? I am sure we can find a solution together.
    P: Well,I noticed I am having an unpleasant breath, also my gums started bleeding.
    D: Let's take a look at your teeth and gums!
    D: Yes, you are right, I can also see a cracked tooth so I have to ask if you consume snacks, chips or hard candies?
    P: I don't like candies but when I go to the cinema with my friends we eat a lot of popcorn.
    D: I think this could be the reason of your complaints, let me explain what exactly happens. When you consume popcorn it can wedge between your teeth and foster bacterial growth, that is why unpleasant breath occures. Also, the un-popped kernels from the bottom of the bag can break your teeth by biting on them and it can cause gum bleeding. I would reccomand to avoid or replace popcorn with other snacks witch can be easily removed from the surface of your teeth.
    P: I didn't realize it can be so harmful, I'll try eating nachos next time.
    D: You could try it, just do not forget to wash your teeth as soon as you arrive home! You could floss as well in order to prevent gum bleeding.
    P: Thank you Dr. for the advice! I'll try to stick to it!
    D: Your welcome, Christina!
    P: See you next month!
    D: Of course, have a great day!

  12. -Good morning Mister!
    -Good morning. How can I help you?
    -I have a serious problem with my teeth. They are so sensitive when I’m eating and they are less brown.
    -What do you eat often?
    -Well…I lived in Italia for 10 years and I like a lot pasta. I eat at list once a day. Tomatoes pasta are my favorites.
    -I understand. Let me explain you. They are healthy but for enamel they can be dangerous because the acidity from tomatoes makes teeth temporarily porous. The porous enamel can easily absorb this coloring that’s why your teeth are a little bit brown. You can eat after pasta an apple because it cleans the teeth .
    -Thank you doctor! I will try.

  13. D-Good morning,little Kate.How are you?
    P-Good morning,doctor.I'm fine.
    D-What are you doing with the bag of chewy candies in your hand ?
    P-Mum told me that if I come to the dentist she's going to buy me a bag of chewy candies , otherwise I would have been scared to come.
    D-But do you know how ugly your teeth can be when you grow up, because of them? Aren't you scared of that ?
    P-But you don't like them ?
    D-I do.
    P-So how comes that you have such nice teeth?
    D-I'm just consuming them from time to time, because their accumulation between the teeth can cause dental plaque and at the same time cavities.
    P-When I will grow up I want to be like you because you have nice teeth, but I can not give up the chewy candies.
    D-Oh well , if you can not give up the chewing candies I recommend you to consume dark chocolate because is soft on teeth and may combat plaque.
    P-Ok , that is what I'm going to do.
    D-And please tell your mum off, every time she gives you chewy candies.
    P-For sure ! Until now she was the one to tell me off . Bye,doctor!
    D-Bye,bye Kate.

  14. D: Good morning. My name is Dr. James Peterson, how you feel today in this hour ?
    P: Hello. My name is Matty, I'm fine but I have problem with my teeth, it hurts a lot.
    D: Okay, I understand. Let me see.
    P: Every time I drink soda I feel a pain at the second lower molar.
    D: Wait a minute, you just say, you drink soda, how much per a day ?
    P: Two or three cups, maybe.
    D: Now I can see, that is the problem.
    P: Why, Dr. Peterson ?
    D: Becasue your enamel are totally destroyed.
    P: I understand, what can I do in order to not casuing any problem ?
    D: I will be clear. You have to stop consuming sodas, that's simple.
    P: Ah, I will try I promise, but it's difficult.
    D: Yes I know. Today I repair your enamel but the choice is yours in the future.
    P: Thank you Dr. Peterson. I appreciate a lot.

    1. Hi Balint, could you try to correct your grammar mistakes, which are basically lack of agreement between the subject and the verb in the following sentences:
      1. How you feel today?
      2. It hurts (teeth)
      3. Your enamel are totally destroyed

    2. 1. How are you feel today ?
      2. just hurt
      3. your enamel is totally destroyed
      Thank you for warning !

    3. 1. How are you feeling today? or How do you feel today.
      2. They (teeth - plural) hurt

  15. P: Hello dr. Jianu, I haven't seen you for ages!
    D: Hey there Angie, you are looking great. It seems that time is merciful with you.
    P: I'm trying my best doctor but it's really hard, you see I've got a new job and my schedule it's hectic .
    D: So how do you manage to take care of you're health?
    P: Well salads and grilled chicken are my best friends .
    D: I would never be able to fallow such a strict diet plan. I must admit I have a sweet tooth but fruits are helping me a lot.
    P: Oh yes, I know, I always have a can of mandarin oranges with my. They are my favorite and sweet enough .
    D: Can I recommend a fresh fruit instead of canned ones? Let me tell you why. Food manufacturers often stuff canned fruit with a ton of extra sugar. Citrus fruits packed in heavy syrup are the worst culprits, because they combine acids with a ton of cavity-causing sugar.
    P: Oh my , I never knew. Thank you so much for sharing this with me doctor. I want to be really careful with my health but from now on I will search more details about the sweets that I think are healthy but really aren't.
    D: I hope that this will make you're diet even more healthier and I would like to see you at my dental clinic to make sure that you're teeth are as healthy as they could be.
    P: Sure thing. I will make an appointment as soon as I can.
    D: Ok. Hope I'll see you soon then. Good bye Angie.
    P: Have a wonderful day doctor Jianu!

    1. Hello dr. Jianu - I liked the conversation but I'd also like to ask you to fix the following typos: you're health, to fallow.

    2. I'm sorry it is follow instead of fallow and your health instead of you're health.

    3. Great! Nothing to be sorry about - it is all about being more careful when it comes about writing - which remains, unlike speaking.

  16. P: Good afternoon, doctor.
    D: Good afternoon, Alan. What brings you to the dentist on such a beautiful day?
    P: Nothing serious, just my periodic exam, it has been 6 months now from my last one.
    D: Well, let's have a look shall we?
    D: Hmm, I must say I am a little bit worried, Alan. The last time you came you had some troubles with the dental plaque but I can't remember having such a massive dental erosion as you clearly have now.
    P: I don't understand. I'm doing everything right. I brush my teeth 2 times a day and I am also using dental floss and mouthwash solution.
    D: Well that's very good for preventing dental plaque formation, which is not a problem for you right now. The problem is that your enamel is highly eroded which hasn't been the case 6 months ago. Erosion of the enamel can have many different causes, but the main factor is the consumption of acid foods and drinks, especially drinks.
    P: Oh, I see. Well to be honest I have had a lot of sport drinks for the past 8 months, since I started jogging every single day. I use to drink them every day before jogging.
    D: That explains it. You see Alan sport drinks are very useful during physical activities but they are not so useful for our teeth because they are very acid and corrosive for our teeth enamel. Once the enamel is corroded and destroyed it can never be healed.
    P: Wow, I didn't know that. So what do you suggest? What other alternatives do I have to get enough energy for my daily jogging session?
    D: Well there are many other healthy and efficient alternatives. For example you could try fruits or pasta. Both of them can provide you with plenty of energy for your physical activities without threatening your teeth. So you can be fit and also have healthy teeth.
    P: Thanks doc, I'll give it a try.
    D: You're welcome. See you again, hopefully in 6 months.

    1. I have a question, Andrei.
      Don't you consider that it's essential for Alan to come visit you more often because of his dental erosion ?

    2. Well, yes actually you are right, it would be better if I could keep an eye on him but I also know Alan for a long time and I know he is very receptive to my advices so I am very confident he will do as I instructed him. If he stops drinking those sport drinks his erosion will dramatically reduce. However, it might be a good idea to call him for a routine examination before the 6 month term only to make sure everything is all right. Thank you for noticing that.

  17. D:Good morning Mrs. James! How are you, I didn’t see a long time.
    P: Good morning Dr.! I just came out of hospital and I got here because two of my teeth hurt.
    D: Oh, this is not so good but after an examination I can tell more.
    D: Hmm, there are cavities on both teeth. Can you tell me what food were you consuming while you were in hospital?
    P: The meal in hospital was terrible so I ate what my family brought me: stewed fruits, oranges and other fast foods.
    D: Ok, then I realized your problem. I think the stewed fruit did this.
    P: Really? And it’s serious?
    D: No, I can fix it with some fillings but next time please avoid from this products because the syrup from the stewed fruit is full of sugar and the citrus fruits like orange contains acids and these are very damaging for your teeth.
    P: Ok, I’ll try to keep in mind and thank you for the tip.
    D: It’s nothing. See you at the semi-annual control!

    1. Now you have to correct the following mistakes:
      1. I didn't see a long time
      2. .. next time please avoid from this products.....

    2. 1. I have not seen you for a long time
      2. time please avoid those products..

  18. dr: Hallo Mr. Gianpiero Stefanizzi! How are you?
    Gianpiero Stefanizzi: Buon giorno, signora. I'm nervous and absolutely disappointed.
    dr: Firstly you have to keep calm. I will try to help you. Could you tell me exactly what kind of complaint do you have?
    Gianpiero Stefanizzi: OK. I come here because I have heared a lot about your technics and your success. I have a dream, I wish I have Hollywood-smile. I have tryed everything but no results. I work at the TV, millions of people watch me day by day... It would be very important to me.
    dr: So, if I understood good, you have had teeth-whitening yet?
    Gianpiero Stefanizzi: Yes. But after 2 weeks the nuance of my teeth become worst than before! And I kept the tooth-brushing rules: I use floss and mouth-wash too! I don't understand...
    dr: And what about the coffee and the cigarette?
    Gianpiero Stefanizzi: I had been laying off since a year..
    dr: Interesting! Now Can I check your teeth, please?
    Gianpiero Stefanizzi: Of course!
    dr: Mr. Gianpiero, it's evident, the decoloration of your teeth is caused by an extra acidic food or drink. Do you have any idea? What kind of food can it be?
    Gianpiero Stefanizzi: Doctoress, I lead an italian cooking programme at the TV. Tha base of the most meals is the original tomato sauce. And the white wine fits like a glove to the italian dishes.
    dr. Oh, my God! This combination of two acidic feed is the killer of the white teeth. I will explain you: the acidic aliment transform porous the surface of the enamel wich can easily absorb the colorings from tomato, oliva , etc.
    Gianpiero Stefanizzi: So we can repeat the whitening process and the single thing that I will have to do, to wash my teeth in every break of programme ?
    dr: Exactly! Now we should find a date for the procedure.

    1. Hi Nora,
      did you use an Italian patient so that mistakes in English should sound natural?

      Consider the following:
      1.Could you tell me exactly what kind of complaint do you have?
      2. I have heared
      3. your technics
      4. I have tryed
      5. If I understood good
      6. the nuance became worst than before
      7. italian
      8. at the TV
      9. I will explain you: the acidic aliment transform porous the surface .... wich, oliva,...

  19. ''Hello Mrs. Brown! How are you? I see today you came with your little princes, Jane!
    '' Hello dr. Smith! I'm fine thank you, but my doughter here, she has some problems... lately she complains about sensitive teeth...''
    '' Well, Jane, what do you say, you let me look at your teeth a little bit?''
    " Yes dr, sure!''
    ''Mmm, her teeth seam to be fine but, tell me Jane aren't you exaggerating with candies, soda...?''
    '' Dr. this sure might be a problem, saies Mrs. Brown! I don't know exactly how to fix it...!
    " Jane, candies and soda may harm your teeth very bad, because they contain a type of sugar that can adhere to your teeth.
    Also in your mouth there are some small things called bacteria and those little things are eating these sugars, releasing acids, and that's what leads to sensitivity first and after to tooth decay.
    Sugar- containing drinks- soda, lemonade, juice are particulary harmful because sipping them causes a constant sugar bath over teeth, which promites tooth decay.
    So, dear Jane, what do you say? Will you be more careful about those things from now on?"
    " Ok, dr! I understand and I will not eat it so often anymore! I don't want those little things, bacteria, to make acid and to destroy my teeth!"
    "Great! Than I will see you again next month!''
    '' Thank you for your advice, dr. Smith!'', saies Mrs. Brown.
    '' You are welcome!"

  20. - Good morning! I am Dr. Cristian and I am your dentist today.
    - Good morning, doctor!
    - What problem bothers you?
    - For a few days when drinking cold drinks I feel a mild pain in front teeth.
    - What type of cold liqueds do you consume?
    - Now in this beautiful and warm timpe I drink lots of lemonade.
    - You know that lemonade is not good for teeth because it contains citric acid wich de-mineralized tooth enamel and sugar in it favors the formation of cavities.
    - Thank you, doctorI will try to drink more water and reduce consumption of lemonade.
    With pleasure I'll wait you in 6 months at control
    - Goodbye Dr. Cristian!
    - Have a nice day

    1. Cristi,
      please consider correcting the following: in front teeth; liqueds; warm timpe; wich; in 6 months at control;

  21. P: Good morning doc!
    D: Hello there Jake! how are you today? any new girls in kindergarten?
    P: No, but the nanny bought me some gummy bears!
    D: Hm.. and aren't you sorry for those sweet little bears?
    P: But they are yummi!
    D: But Jake, you know, if you eat a lot of them, the little gummy bears will stick all over your little teeth, causing your teeth hurt. and if your teeth hurt that means you will have to visit me more often. Do you want your teeth to hurt?
    P: No..
    D: Than promise me, that next time you will spare the life of those little gummy bears.
    P: Ok.. but can I chocolate then?
    D: Well.. fine.. rather a small chocolate than. Promise?
    P: Yes!
    D: Fine. Now open your mouth and let us take a look at what's remained of those poor little gummy bears.

    1. Julia, you have to reconsider the following: a) than promise me.... b) can I chocolate then? c)a small chocolate than.

  22. P : Good afternoon, on this warm summer day, doctor!
    D : Good afternoon, Sarah. To what do I owe the honor of having you around twice in a month? I was quite surprised when I noticed your name in the appointment agenda.
    P : Yes, I kind of like it around here. Honestly, since my last visit, when you performed a scaling and root planing, which I was very satisfied with, as it was effective, but I also noticed a higher sensitivity of my teeth, especially for cold drinks.
    D : Dear Sarah, first of all, periodontal scaling and root planing ensures complete removal of all calculus and plaque from involved sites, but it doesn’t affect the sensitivity of your teeth. Second of all, let me ask you a question: do you usually chew the ice from your drinks?
    P : Mmm, yes, I usually do. Anything that can bring a little bit of refreshing for my body on these extremely hot days is more than welcomed!
    D : Spotted! Chewing ice can cause major damage, as well as nibbling on ice, as it can easily crack or break your teeth. So next time you’re downtown, having an ice-tea with your friends, make sure you don’t allow yourself to be tempted by the ice in it, and you let it melt peacefully.
    P : Thank you, doctor. Hopefully, I won’t be seeing you again in the upcoming weeks.
    D : You’re welcome, Sarah. Always a pleasure!

  23. I thought of another scenario because I read what my colleagues have already written and it was like all my ideas have gone. So I made this dialogue as a meeting with a patient, I do not know if it is good but I couldn`t think of something else.

    D: Hello, Andrew! How are you? I haven`t seen you for last year!
    P: Good afternoon, Dr. Iancu! I rush to the supermarket to buy chips and soda because some friends come to me to see a movie.
    D: Yeah well Andrew, I don't wanna be absurd but, you don`t know that chips and juice are not good for health?! Decay can occur, your tooth enamel can be destroyed and can hurt your tummy.
    P: Yes but they are tasty and are suitable when you watch a movie!
    D: Try to replace them with friendly, healthy food for teeth like: fruits, vegetables, natural fruit juices and you'll see how good you will feel and your friends also.
    P: Thanks for the advice, I will put in practice! I will surprise my friends. Good bye doc.!
    D: Bye bye Andrew. I`ll be waiting for you next week to my cabinet, even if you don`t feel you have a problem with your teeth. And, not to forget I will receive some funny movies about teeth and their enemies and I`ll give you some of them to watch with your friends
    P: Ok! I`ll see you next week! Bye!
    D: Bye Andrew. Nice to see you!

  24. P: Good morning, Dr!
    D: Good morning! Sit down, please! What is your problem?
    P:I don’t know exactly! I don’t like my teeth’s color!
    D: Let’s see! Open your mouth please... Oh, yes, I see the problem... We can start a bleaching treatment!
    P: Can you tell me what causes staining of teeth?
    D: Yes, of course! If you drink coffee or black tea…this may damage the tooth enamel too.
    P: What can I do to avoid this process?
    D: The best way is to not drink coffee, but you can use a straw for attenuate this effect.
    P: Ok, thank you! Then you can start the bleach and I am going to buy straws!

    1. That is a funny dialogue!

      Except for the correction of : "to not drink coffee but you can use a straw for attenuate this effect"(clue: 2 mistakes)

  25. D: Hello mister “X”, what problem made you come at the dental office today?
    P: Hello Doctor. It seems to me that my teeth tend to gain a darker shade. I brush my teeth regularly, I use dental floss and mouthwash, but the dark color does not disappear.
    D: From what I see, it doesn’t seem to be a problem caused by an early caries, but more likely by some aliments that you consume. Is there something that you eat or drink more often?
    P: OOO…here you got me, doctor! I use to drink 2-3 cups of dark tea because I have heard that coffee stains the teeth.
    D: That’s what fools people, tea has the same power as coffee to stain teeth. This is due to the plants in the tea, and because tea is consumed at high temperatures.
    P: Now you tell me not to consume tea any more? I can not promise you this, tea is part of my daily routine.
    D: Nowise , you should not get me wrong .
    P: So, what could I do in order not to give up on tea?
    D: To avoid any damage to the teeth in the future , you should not drink dark tea and choose green ones , white or other lighter colors .
    P:And will I return to the white color that I had before?
    D:Over time, yes! If you continue with brushing and if it is possible try to avoid black tea.
    P: Thank you very much , doctor ! Now I am allright! Have a good day! Goodbye !
    D: With pleasure! Goodbye!

  26. D: Hello , Matthew , have a seat. How are things on the hokey ring?
    M: Not all that stellar doctor , we've got a big match lined up next week and my teeth are killing me.
    D: Well that won't do , now will it ? Let's have a look.
    D: Oh migh , Matthew , your teeth show considerable signs of decay , even rot in some places.Have you been drinking lots of fizzy drinks or anything with too much suggar.
    M: Well, to be honest Doc. I have been hitting the sports drinks pretty hard these past few months.Got to keep myself energised and hydrated, now don't I?
    D: Of course you do Matt, but you should consider what those drinks are doing to your teeth , you see , they're chalked full with sugars and acids that erode your teeth in time.
    M: But Doc. , all the lads are taking them , how am I supposed to compete?
    D:You should consider a less damaging alternative , maybe some herbal shakes or teas, I heard they work just as well and they certainly don't rot your teeth like that. In fact an old school friend of mine owns a naturist shop, I could give you his number if you'd like.
    M: That'd be grand, Doctor, maybe I'll get some of my mates to try some too.
    D: I certainly hope you can, tooth decay is a serious matter , now Matthew , open wide.

  27. D: Hello there, little girl, my name is Paul and I'll be your dentist, what's your name?
    I: Hello, my name is Ioana and I'm not afraid of dentists.
    D: Well that's good , we're certainly nothing to be afraid about. What do you have there in your hand?
    I: These are my sweets, want some?
    D:No thank you, but I would like to take a look at them.Oh , Ioana , these are aren't good for you , chewy candy like taffy and caramel get stuck in between your teeth and in time they'l create cavities that'l hurt.
    I: But I like candies...
    D: Well, there are other sweet things that you can eat that won't hurt your teeth , like fruits and pastries ...even drops if you promise you won't chew them.
    I:Ok , I'll tell mommy to buy me some of that stuff.
    D: There's a good girl , now let me take a look at your teeth.

    1. OK, Paul, you are good at child talk. One thing, though, what is the short form of the future?

  28. D: Good morning. My name is Dr. John Neville
    P: Good morning, doctor! My name is Jerry
    D: How can I help you Jerry?
    P: I have a problem with my teeth. They are so sensitive when I’m eating and they are less yellow.
    D: What do you eat often?
    P: I eat a lot of curries.
    D: Let me explain you. Any heavily pigmented food, like blueberries, beets, or soy sauce, can lead to tooth discoloration. Enjoy your next chickpea curry with a glass of water to prevent the problem.
    P: Thank you, I will try.

    1. To paskkan93: did you really mean the teeth were "less yellow"?

  29. D: Good morning dear Ellison. How do you feel today?
    P: Good morning Dr. Jennifer. I am fine, thank you, but I think my teeth do not have the same voice..
    D: Sit down please. What is your complain?
    P: I am using daily dental floss and when I take out, the floss is stench and…
    D: Oh, wait! It is a breath mint in your mouth?
    P: Yes…. Sorry….. I will throw away…
    D: Did you know that if you sucking breath mints all day is like soaking your teeth in sugar?
    P: Oh, no! I did not know that..
    D: How many mints do you use daily?
    P: Usually with a box. (15 mints/box)
    D: I think that is the problem to your stench is in your mouth and it might be an interdentally decay. I suggest you to use free sugar mints, or mint sweetened with xylitol, which is carioprotectiv.
    P: Thank you Dr. J! I will take your advice I promise! Good bye
    D: Good bye Allison. Take care!

    1. Hi Eniko,
      Please correct:
      1. complain
      2. its stench
      3. it is a breath mint in your mouth
      4. if you sucking breath mints
      5. usually with a box
      6.the problem to your stench is in your mouth............ interdentally decay............

    2. 1. complain about?
      2. it is smelly.
      3. Is it a breath mint in your mouth
      4. if you are sucking on breath mints
      5. usually a boxful
      6. the problem with your smelly thing in your mouth.... interdentally decaying...

    3. Answer:
      - complain about (verb) - the noun is "complaint"
      - THERE IS a mint breath (as in Hungarian, we say "red apple" and "mint breath")
      - interdental decay

  30. P: Good morning Doctor!
    D: Good morning Peter! Sit down, please. Can I help you?
    P: I hope so. My teeth are very sensitive, and I can see some white, small cavities on my teeth.
    D: Ok. Let me see. Open your mouth.
    D: Oh, yes. I see these cavities, we need to filled them. Do you drink much soda?
    P: Yes, but is there a relationship between drinking soda and these weird cavities?
    D: Yes, soda contains acid and sugar. And your weird cavities are tooth erosions. So, tooth erosion is caused by acidic foods and drinks. You need to consume less soda. Even, if you drink, you will not brush your teeth at least 30 minutes after you drink. And try to use drinking straws.
    P: Ok, doc. I will try.
    D: All right then. Good bye Peter!
    P: Thank you. Good bye!

  31. D:Hello,my name is Andreea and I will be your dentist today,what bothers you?
    P:Good morning doctor,I’m not feeling so good .My teeth are sensitive and they cause me a lot of pain.
    D:Oh…let’s me see what’s the problem.Please,have a sit.
    P:Ok,but please help me out.I don’t know what to do ,I have try everything and this limits from training.
    D:I understand.Do you drink sports drinks?
    P:Yes,of course.I have a game this Sunday and I must give my best.
    D:Oh,Charles.Let me explain you.Sport drinks are packed with sugar and acids and in the same time they are damaging you teeth.This is the reason they become so sensitive.
    P:Ok,so what can I do next?
    D:First of all you must stop drink them.You can drink water,is healthier and give you a lot of energy.
    P:Thanks a lot for advising me.I will be more careful.
    D:I am glad I could help you.Good luck.

    1. Andreea,
      please correct the following:
      - let’s me see what’s the problem.... have a sit.
      - I have try everything and this limits from training.
      - in the same time
      -you must stop drink them......... is healthier and give you a lot of energy.

  32. Dr.: Good morning Miss Watson, are we having a lovely day?
    P: Good morning doctor, indeed we are.
    Dr.: How are we feeling today, to what do I owe this visit?
    P: Oh it wouldn’t be a problem if my teeth weren’t so sensible. I take care of them, oral hygiene wise, but unfortunately I still experience stains and the teeth are quite sensible. What do you suggest I should do?
    Dr:. Let’s talk a bit about your eating habits. What do you usually eat more, what are your favorite dishes?
    P: I adore tomatoes, everything that contains tomatoes, especially Italian pastas with tomatoes sauces.
    Dr:. It looks like we just found one of your key problems: tooth enamel is particularly vulnerable to dark colors, including red sauce. Porous enamel can easily absorb this coloring, leading to unsightly stains. Moreover, the acidity from tomatoes make teeth temporarily more porous. But instead of giving up on that dish, I would suggest you solve the problem by swishing with plenty of water while eating pasta.
    P: I never even thought about it. I think I can handle it.
    Dr.: That is excellent!

    1. Zsuzsa,
      please tell me what is wrong with your:
      - teeth are sensible;
      - acidity from tomatoes make teeth more porous.

    2. - teeth are sensitive
      - acidity from tomatoes cause further porosity to the dental enamel

  33. Sam: Good morning. I have an appointment with Dr.J at 10.30.
    Receptionist: Good morning, can I have your name, please?
    S: Yes, it's Sam Waters.
    R: Yes, Mr. Waters. Is this the first time you've seen Dr. J?
    S: No, I had my teeth cleaned and checked last year.
    R: OK, just a moment!
    Dr. J:Hello, Sam! How are you? I haven`t seen you for last year!
    S:Good morning, Dr! I'm fine I realize I don’t like my teeth’s color!
    Dr: Well Well Sam you'r an ‘coffeeholic’, aren't you?
    S: Yes, Dr!
    Dr:Unfortunately I don't have good news for you! I'll be cleaning your teeth today, but it's all I can do! I'm not an expert in teeth whitening,I'm endodontist, but I can recomande you an expert. He will expline you all you need to know abot benefits and disadvantages of teeth whitening. It's that OK for you?
    S: Yes!
    Dr: Ok but you must reduce coffee!
    S: I'll try, but I can't promes you anything!
    Dr: Sam, you are a funny person! ok let's clean the teeth!

    1. Iulia Maria,
      there are some language problems you need to fix:
      - I haven’t seen you for last year
      - you’r an "coffeeholic"
      - I can recomande you
      - he will expline......
      - it’s that ok for you?
      - I can’t promes
      Please try to be more careful with your spellling, otherwise further comments will not be accepted.

      Also, remind me your name complete name at the exam.

  34. D: Mr. Jonathan,always a pleasure seing you.
    P: Hi,thank you,nice seeing you again as well.
    D: Ok John so you've told me on the phone and I quote "I am concerned abouth my teeth's future" ha-ha.
    P: Well the thing is that I've watched this documentary about the teeth's pH and umm..I just want to know does my wine drinking habit is effecting my teeth significantly?
    D: Ok yes,you are affecting your teeth by exagerating on wine,but we are talking about the white wine only. It is the calcium in teeth that the wine attacks. Even if you brush your teeth after a night of drinking, over the years repeated exposure could take its toll. How much wine are we talking again here?
    P: Yeah I drink like 2-3 glasses a day every single day for like 10 years,mostly during and after dinner.
    D: Ok, I John that amount of alcohol which you consume in that short period of time is considered as being above the average,therefore I assume you can't just "let it go" that easily,so what I'm suggesting you is to try tasting cheese while drinking wine because it has a beneficial effect on preventing dental erosion since cheese contains calcium in a high concentration.
    P: It's true I can not quit this habit so easily...
    D: I suppose you could give it a thought, so you should slowly to reduce the amount you use per day,reduce it by let's say 100 ml and slowly you will control your habit,even if you can't get used to the idea of not drinking wine at all,at least you will have it under control and 1 glass of wine combined with some cheese is not going to affect your teeth so bad,some damage will exist,but I would say for someone your age,unsignificantly. Does this make sense to you?
    P: Oh no,I totally get it,I will start the process even today. Thank you so much,I wish you a nice day.
    D: Wish you all the best,bye.

  35. P: Good morning, Doctor !
    D: Good morning, Elena ! Sit down, please! What's the problem? Can I help you?
    P: My tooth really hurts, it is very sensitive, I can't sleep at night because of it, not to mention eating.
    D: Ok, let me see. Open your mouth, please!
    D: Oh, yes. I see several decays on your 3.6 molar, I'm sure these carious lesions cause the pain. Do you eat a lot of sweets?
    P: No, not really.
    D: Do you drink carbonated soft drinks?
    P: No, but every night before going to bed I drink cocoa with milk, or a tea.
    D: Yes, unfortunately these drinks can cause decays. I recommend you to drink your tea without sugar, and brush your teeth well before going to sleep, and after brushing try not to consume any food, and don't drink anything but water.
    P: Okay,Doctor ! I'm goint to pay attention on what you said and act like it.
    D: All right. Good bye!
    P: Thank you, bye!

  36. Sam: Hello, Doctor.
    Dr.: Good morning, Sam. How are you doing today?
    Sam: I'm OK. I've been having some tooth pain recently. Can you tell me what happened?
    Dr.: Well, we'll take a look. Please recline and open your mouth.... that's good.
    Sam: How does it look?
    Dr. : Well, It looks like you may have a few cavities as well.
    Sam: That's not good news .... hmmm
    Dr.: There are just two and they look superficial. I have to ask if you consume snacks or candies?
    SAM:I don't like candies but when I go out with my friends,tomatoes pasta are my favorites.
    Dr.: I think this could be the reason of your complaints,let me explain what exactly happens.The acidity from tomatoes makes teeth temporarily porous.So they can be dangerous for enamel.
    SAM: I want to be really careful with my health,but they are tasty and are suitable!
    Dr.: Well there are many other healthy and efficient alternatives. For example you can try: fruits, vegetables,salads,natural fruit juices and you'll see how good you will feel and your friends also.. So, dear Sam, what do you say? Will you be more careful about those things from now on?
    SAM: Ok, dr.! I understand and I will not eat it so often anymore!
    Dr: Great! Than I will see you again next week!
    SAM: Ok!Thank you doctor,have a wonderful day :D

  37. HI Liza good to see you again You look so fantastic and I see that you lost some weight as well. What brought you here today? How may I help you? ...LIza: Hello Dr. Pancsi Igood to see my best friend as a dentist after two years. I really need your help Pancsi. You are right, I lost weight by being on a diet and working out hard for a year. However, my teeth are getting discolored and my gum is bleeding and receding. I am worring that I might loose my teeth. Dr. Pancsi. Have you been taking any diet pills? Liza: To be honest, yes as I wanted to get a better result as quick as possible. Dr. Pancsi: Oh Liza, this was a big mistake. You should have asked for my advice before. Even though it may seem like a quick way to trim your waist and loose weight, diet pills can also be a fast track to tooth decay and gum disease.These pills decrease salivary flow which causes dry mouth and puts you at risk for tooth decay, cavities, gum disease and discomfort.Some of the pills can cause discolored teeth as well. That is the reason why your teeth are getting yellowish.Liza. Please , give me advice.What am I suppose to do to protect my teeth and gum?Dr. Pancsi: First of all , stop taking the pills and start a new diet based on vegitable and fruits. Try to eat high-fiber food, leafy vegitables, like spinach as by chewing them , they scrub and clean your teeth. Eat more dairy products as they are the primary sources of calcium, which is essential for healthy teeth.Calcium stregthens tooth enamel. For example, the cheese is the best dairy product containing a type of protein which along with calcium, play an important role in stabilizing and reparing tooth enamel.Liza:That's great Pancsi! And what about the the color of my teeth? Could you please recommend a natural whitening option?Dr. Pancsi: I would hardly recommend strawberries! Eat strawberry as it contains malic acid, a natural enamel whitener. The other option would be to crush one strawberry and mix it with baking soda. Spread it on your teeth with a tooth brush and leave it for about 5 minutes and then brush your teeth gently not to harm your gum and teeth. Try to use a soft tooth brush and make circular movements in order to massage your gum to stimulate the circulatation of blood in your gum.Liza: Thank you so much Pancsi for your help. I am greatful for your advice and glad to have you as my best friend . See you soon!

    1. Anna, one recurrent mistake in your post is "vegitables", please correct it.
      Also, what is wrong in: "eat strawberry as it contains malic acid

  38. 9. P: Good morning, doctor!
    D: Good morning, Stella! How are you? What is your problem?
    P: My tooth is broken and I don’t like my teeth’s color
    D: What do you usually eat for breakfast?
    P: I usually eat a toast with butter, and I drink a coffee or tea
    D: What kind of tea?
    P: Usually black tea.
    D: Maybe your tooth break is caused by the toast you are eating to often, because biting into hardened toast can lead to broken teeth, and the color of your teeth is caused by coffee and black tea.
    P: And what should I do?
    D: You should eat lightly toasted bread, and avoid hard crusts to protect your smile. Near this you should drink less coffee and black tea.

    1. Martika, what do you mean by "near" this?

  39. P: Good afternoon, I am here again, dear doctor.
    D: Oh, Ms. Perkins, I am glad to see you, take a seat, please and let me see how can I help you!
    P:You have recommended to me to turn back in a few days if the situation gets worse, and to be honest...I have no more perseverance for this pain.
    D: Let me came here last time with gingivitis and tooth sensitivity, didn't you?
    P: Yes, but yesterday we went to the beach and when I ate a corn from the cob suddenly one of my frontal tooth filling cracked out.
    D: Oh, I am sorry Ms. Perkins, I tought that you understood when I warned you to take more care what do you consume during your healing.
    You had already a serious problem, and it's important to spare your teeth anytime. Even when you don't have any pain or damage.
    P: I know, I was careless. I should take in consideration your advices next time. I will never eat corn again!
    D: Instead of skipping corn altogether, though, simply scrape it off the cob before consuming. Now let me start your tratement.

    1. Until you tell us who you are,

      Dear PinkRibbon,
      please correct:
      - I tought that ...
      - to take more care what do you consume.....
      - take in consideration your advices (a preposition and a noun problem)
      - tratement (surely a typo!)

    2. I am László Noémi and I don't know why my nickname appears instead of my name, sorry.
      I thought that
      to take more care about
      take into consideration

    3. OK, Noemi, it’s because you gave this ID to one of your accounts in Google. But you can change it if go to your Profile.

      - how about advices? (the noun problem) is it correct?

    4. yes, it's an uncountable noun, so advice means " sfaturi" and in the singular you can say "a piece of advice".

  40. Morning Doctor!
    Morning mr ghiţă! How are you today?
    Doctor...I have serious problems with my teetH and I came to you because I heared that you can help me.
    Of course Mr ghiţă,have a seat please. I want to say that I love to drink cold wine in summer time and when I drink it,I feel a powerful Pain. And I also love sweets
    This is the problem of your teetH sensitivity Mr ghiţă. You know,drinking and eating cold and hot products is a habit that can destroy teeth enamel which works like a protection for your teetH. That's why you feel powerful pain when you drink and eat cold or hot aliments.
    You have to be more careful with this habit.
    Thank you doctor I will be,I'l do my best.

    1. Hi Julian,
      interesting way of spelling "teetH" - probably it will help you remember there is no "s" afterwards :-)
